Salary of IAS Officer: Here’s how much IAS Officer earns in salary after clearing UPSC Exam

There is no denying the fact that Union Public Services Commission (UPSC) Exam is the toughest exam in India as lakhs of students from across the country appear in UPSC Exam for a few hundred seats. But have you ever thought how much salary IAS officers get after cracking UPSC Exam?

IAS officers work in different ministries

The candidates who clear the UPSC get a chance to work in the country’s bureaucratic set-up through the IAS i.e. Indian Administrative Service. IAS officers are deputed at various ministries, departments of administration. The Cabinet Secretary is the senior most position for an IAS officer.

IAS Officer’s Salary

IAS officers get excellent salary. According to the 7th Pay Commission, the basic salary of any IAS officer is Rs 56100. Many other allowances are also given to IAS officers, including Travel Allowance and Dearness Allowance. According to reports, the total salary of an IAS officer is more than Rs 1 lakh per month. At the same time, if an IAS officer reaches the rank of cabinet secretary, then his salary reaches Rs 2, 50,000 per month. The officer deputed as cabinet secretary gets the highest salary.

There are different pay bands for IAS officers, including Junior Scale, Senior Scale, Super Time Scale. Based on this, the officers are given several other facilities, including residence, cook and other staff. 

IAS Officer’s Salary: Here’s how much an IAS Officer earns as salary per mo

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