UPSC Civil Services

Civil Services Mains 2019 Crash Course

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the examination date for civil services preliminary examination 2018. As per the schedule put on the official website, the exam is scheduled to be conducted on June 3, 2018. The application for the same will be available by February 7.

UPSC Exam 2018 Dates

Eligibility criteria:

  1. Those interested in applying should possess a degree of graduation in any stream from any university recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC)
  2. Those who have appeared in the qualifying exam and are waiting for their results are also eligible to apply, provided they submit the certificate of qualification along with the mark sheet to the UPSC before the main exam

Pattern of the examination:

The Commission will draw a list of candidates to be qualified for Civil Service (Main) Examination based on the criterion of

➤ Minimum qualifying marks of 33% in General Studies Paper-II of Civil Services (Preliminary)Examination and

➤ Total qualifying marks of General Studies Paper-I of CivilServices (Preliminary) Examination as may be determined by the Commission

Note : There will be negative marking for incorrect answers (as detailed below)for all questions except some of the questions where the negative-marking will be inbuilt in the form of different marks being awarded to the most appropriate and not so appropriate answer for such questions.

The Main Examination will consist of written examination and an interview test. The written examination will consist of 9 papers of conventional essay type, out of which two papers will be of qualifying in nature.

Marks obtained for all the compulsory papers(Paper-I to Paper-VlI) and Marks obtained in Interview for Personality Test will be counted for ranking.

Number of attempts

Candidates belonging to General category and OBC (creamy layer) must have attained the age of 21 on 1st August of the year of the Exam but must not have attained the age of 32 on 1st August of the year of the Exam.

Candidates belonging to OBC (non creamy layer) category must have attained the age of 21 on 1st August of the year of the Exam but must not have attained the age of 35 on 1st August of the year of the Exam. Candidates belonging to SC category must have attained the age of 21 on 1st August of the year of the Exam but must not have attained the age of 37 on 1st August of the year of the Exam. Candidates belonging to ST category must have attained the age of 21 on 1st August of the year of the Exam but must not have attained the age of 37 on 1st August of the year of the Exam.

General category and OBC (creamy layer) category have a maximum of 6 attempts.
OBC (non creamy layer) have a maximum of 9 attempts.
For Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category candidates there is no limit on the number of attempts till they attain the age of 37 years.
Students belonging to OBC/SC/ST can give the first 6 attempts as General category candidates (if they so desire) and thereafter they can avail the relaxation in the number of attempts by availing the category benefits.

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